Kosovo – Black Helicopters

Subject: Dua Lipa, Kosovo, and the New World Order’s Divide & Conquer Strategy


I see your passion for Kosovo, for its people, for its recognition. But before you celebrate the victories given to you by the New World Order, I want you to understand the game they are playing. The game of divide and conquer—a strategy as old as war itself.

The Roman Empire & Divide and Conquer

The Romans perfected this strategy. They knew that a united people are strong, but a divided people are easy to control. They did not just conquer with swords; they did so with politics, betrayal, and manipulation. They would take a land, find its ethnic, religious, or tribal rivalries, and pit them against each other. By the time the people realized they had been played, it was too late—the empire had already claimed its victory.

Examples of Divide and Conquer in History

  1. The Roman Empire – Stirred tribal conflicts among the Celts, Gauls, and Germans to prevent unity against Rome.
  2. The British Empire – Used sectarian divides in India, Ireland, and Africa to maintain control. (See: Partition of India, the Troubles in Ireland).
  3. The Sykes-Picot Agreement (1916) – Britain and France artificially carved up the Middle East, ensuring endless conflict between Arab states.
  4. Rwanda (1994) – The Belgians enforced racial classifications (Hutu vs. Tutsi), planting the seeds for genocide decades later.
  5. Yugoslavia (1990s) – The West funded nationalism, played ethnic groups against each other, and dismantled a once-strong nation.

And now, we have Kosovo—a land ripped from Serbia, not for its people, but for geopolitical control. Look at Bondsteel, the largest U.S. military base in the Balkans, built right after Kosovo’s war. Is Kosovo truly free, or is it just another chess piece on the board of the global elite?

Dua, do not let them use you. Do not let them turn Albanians and Serbs into eternal enemies for their profit. The real fight is not Kosovo vs. Serbia. The real fight is against those who divide us.

Josip Jukić